Holiday Spark


Everyone is happy and in love at the beginning of a great relationship. It’s the feeling of bliss, the thought that your partner can do no wrong, and there is no one more attractive than your loved one. But what happens when that spark seems to fade? Suddenly things that you never noticed, or things that you must’ve overlooked…start popping up and rearing their ugly little heads. Maybe you get into your first fight, or maybe you feel disappointed for the first time in this relationship. Hopefully, you don’t ever, but let’s assume for once, that you’ve found yourself in this situation…and that once frantic, non-stop animal magnetism sex all over the place and constant hourly sexts…begins to wane. Where do you go to get that love back? The holidays are a great place to start coaxing that love back in. Generally, around the holidays, we get a little sentimental and we tend to focus a lot more on the importance of family. That’s your in. Building back the love, the spark, in a relationship, old or new, can be done a lot easier if you try these tips.

1)plan a family event-cook together, eat together, tell stories, laugh, smile, get close!

2)schedule some ‘sexy time’- book a day/night and cover all your bases. Stay indoors, in bed, watching tv, spooning, touching, giving each other a bath, taking a shower together, feed each other, get to know each other all over again, for one full 24 hour period.

3)go on an adventure! Do something that you both find really cool. It can be cheap or really expensive. Best trip ever can be just a walk in the mountains, casually exploring a place you both have never been to. Experience your environment together!

4) last but not least- make your relationship to do list! Sit down together and come up with a nice long list of about 10-20 things that you both want your relationship to look like. Be realistic though. Put things on your list like ‘have passionate sex twice a week’ or ‘tell my partner that I love them everyday’ or ‘take a romantic vacation to Hawaii’.

Now get out there and drink some nog, kiss under some mistletoe, go sledding, sip some hot cocoa, snuggle up by a fire, give some presents, get some love from your family and do your 4 tips! Happy Holidays!!!

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